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ALPLogo - 2022: proqramlaşdırma olimpiadasının tapşırıqları və qiymətləndirmə meyarları


ALPLogo Download Yukle: How to Install and Use the Programming Environment for Learning Informatics

If you are a student or a teacher who wants to learn or teach informatics in a fun and interactive way, you might be interested in ALPLogo. ALPLogo is a programming environment that allows you to create and run programs using the LOGO programming language. In this article, we will show you how to download, install, and use ALPLogo on your computer.

alplogo download yukle

What is ALPLogo?

A brief introduction to the ALPLogo programming environment

ALPLogo is a programming environment that was developed by Isa Naida, a teacher and an author of informatics textbooks in Azerbaijan. It is based on the LOGO programming language, which was created by Seymour Papert in the 1960s as a tool for learning mathematics and computer science. LOGO is a simple and intuitive language that uses commands to control a graphical turtle on the screen. By giving instructions to the turtle, you can draw shapes, patterns, and animations.

The features and benefits of ALPLogo

ALPLogo has many features and benefits that make it suitable for learning informatics. Some of them are:

  • It is free and easy to download and install.

  • It supports three languages: Azerbaijani, English, and Russian.

  • It has a user-friendly interface that consists of four main parts: the work area, where you can see the turtle and its movements; the command area, where you can type and execute commands; the editor area, where you can write and save programs; and the help area, where you can access tutorials and examples.

  • It has a rich set of commands that allow you to manipulate the turtle's position, direction, color, size, shape, speed, pen state, etc.

  • It allows you to use variables, expressions, operators, loops, procedures, lists, arrays, files, etc. in your programs.

  • It has a built-in debugger that helps you find and fix errors in your programs.

  • It has a sound module that enables you to add sounds and music to your programs.

  • It has a game module that allows you to create interactive games with graphics and sounds.

  • It has an olympiad module that prepares you for the annual ALPLogo Olympiad, a competition for students from grades 5 to 7.

By using ALPLogo, you can develop your logical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and programming skills. You can also have fun while learning informatics.

How to download and install ALPLogo?

The official website of ALPLogo

The official website of ALPLogo is , where you can find more information about the program, its author, its history, its features, its updates, its tutorials, its exercises, its olympiad, etc. You can also download the latest version of ALPLogo from the website for free. The website also has a forum where you can ask questions, share your programs, and communicate with other ALPLogo users.

The steps to download and install ALPLogo on Windows

To download and install ALPLogo on your Windows computer, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the official website of ALPLogo and click on the "Download" button.

  • Choose the language you want to use for ALPLogo and click on the corresponding link.

  • Save the file "ALPLogo_Setup.exe" to your computer.

  • Run the file "ALPLogo_Setup.exe" and follow the instructions on the screen.

  • Choose the destination folder where you want to install ALPLogo and click on "Next".

  • Wait for the installation to complete and click on "Finish".

  • Launch ALPLogo from the Start menu or the desktop shortcut.

Congratulations! You have successfully downloaded and installed ALPLogo on your computer. Now you are ready to use it.

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alplogo prog

How to use ALPLogo?

The main components of the ALPLogo interface

When you open ALPLogo, you will see a window that looks like this:

The window has four main parts:

  • The work area, where you can see the turtle and its movements. You can change the background color, the grid size, and the zoom level of the work area using the buttons on the top right corner.

  • The command area, where you can type and execute commands. You can use the arrow keys to navigate through the command history, and the Enter key to run a command. You can also use the buttons on the bottom right corner to clear, copy, paste, or save the commands.

  • The editor area, where you can write and save programs. You can use the menu bar or the toolbar to create, open, save, print, or run a program. You can also use the buttons on the bottom left corner to undo, redo, cut, copy, paste, or find text in your program.

  • The help area, where you can access tutorials and examples. You can use the tabs on the top left corner to switch between different topics, such as commands, variables, operators, loops, procedures, lists, arrays, files, sound, game, olympiad, etc. You can also use the buttons on the bottom center to copy or run an example.

You can resize or hide any of these parts by dragging their borders or clicking on their icons.

How to create and run a program in ALPLogo

To create and run a program in ALPLogo, you need to follow these steps:

  • Click on "File" and then "New" in the menu bar or press Ctrl+N to create a new program.

  • Type your program in the editor area using LOGO commands and syntax. You can use comments (starting with ;) to explain your code.

  • Click on "File" and then "Save" in the menu bar or press Ctrl+S to save your program. Give it a name and choose a location on your computer.

  • Click on "Run" and then "Run Program" in the menu bar or press F5 to run your program. You will see the turtle execute your commands in the work area.

  • If you encounter any errors in your program, you will see a message in the command area telling you what went wrong. You can use the debugger (by clicking on "Run" and then "Debug Program" in the menu bar or pressing F6) to find and fix your errors.

Congratulations! You have successfully created and run a program in ALPLogo. Now you can experiment with different commands and programs.

Some examples of programs in ALPLogo

To give you some ideas of what you can do with ALPLogo, here are some examples of programs that you can try:


SquareA program that draws a square using a loop.

SpiralA program that draws a spiral using a loop and a variable.

FlowerA program that draws a flower using a procedure and a loop.

ClockA program that draws a clock using a procedure, a loop, and the sound module.

PongA program that creates a simple pong game using the game module.

You can find the code and the explanation of these programs in the help area of ALPLogo. You can also copy and run them in the editor area to see how they work. You can modify them or create your own programs based on them.


A summary of the main points of the article

In this article, we have introduced you to ALPLogo, a programming environment that allows you to learn informatics using the LOGO programming language. We have shown you how to download, install, and use ALPLogo on your computer. We have also given you some examples of programs that you can create and run in ALPLogo.

A call to action for the readers to try ALPLogo

We hope that you have found this article useful and informative. If you are interested in learning informatics in a fun and interactive way, we encourage you to try ALPLogo. You can download it for free from the official website . You can also find more resources and exercises on the website and the forum. You can also participate in the ALPLogo Olympiad and compete with other students from different schools. ALPLogo is a great tool for developing your logical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and programming skills. It is also a lot of fun. So what are you waiting for? Download ALPLogo today and start programming!


What are the system requirements for ALPLogo?

ALPLogo can run on any Windows computer that has at least 512 MB of RAM and 100 MB of free disk space. It does not require any additional software or hardware.

What languages does ALPLogo support?

ALPLogo supports three languages: Azerbaijani, English, and Russian. You can choose the language you want to use when you download and install ALPLogo. You can also change the language at any time by clicking on "Options" and then "Language" in the menu bar.

How can I learn more about ALPLogo?

You can learn more about ALPLogo by visiting the official website , where you can ask questions, share your programs, and communicate with other ALPLogo users.

Where can I find more resources and exercises for ALPLogo?

You can find more resources and exercises for ALPLogo on the official website , where you can post your solutions and get feedback from other users.

How can I participate in the ALPLogo Olympiad?

The ALPLogo Olympiad is an annual competition for students from grades 5 to 7 who use ALPLogo to solve informatics problems. The olympiad consists of two rounds: a regional round and a national round. The regional round is held online on the official website , where you can register and take part in it. The national round is held offline in Baku, where the best students from each region are invited to compete for prizes and certificates. To prepare for the olympiad, you can use the olympiad module in ALPLogo, where you can practice with previous problems and solutions. 44f88ac181

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